If we believe in the resurrection of
Jesus, we will preach it world-wide. He died and rose as the representative
of all men; and therefore this good news should be preached to all kinds
and all races of people. Men from all nations were in prospect sprinkled
by His blood (Is. 52:15); and therefore we must extend the knowledge
of this to all men, both in our collective and personal witness. Lk.
24:48 simply comments that the disciples were witnesses to the resurrection
and the fact that forgiveness and salvation was therefore potentially
available to all men. The parallel records in Mt. and Mk. say that they
were told to go out and witness to the resurrection world-wide. Putting
them together it is apparent that if we are truly witnesses of the resurrection
in our own faith, then part and parcel of this is to take this witness
out into our own little worlds.
Christ's resurrection is an imperative
to preach. When Peter is asked why he continues preaching when it is
forbidden, he responds by saying that he is obeying God's command, in
that Christ had been raised (Acts 5:29-32). There was no specific command
from God to witness (although there was from Christ); from the structure
of Peter's argument he is surely saying that the fact God raised Christ
is de facto a command
from God to witness to it which must be obeyed. The resurrection of
Jesus is itself the command to preach. Yet reading carefully, Peter
says that he is a witness not only of the resurrection, but of the fact
that Jesus is now at God's right hand and from that position of power
has enabled forgiveness. How could Peter be a witness to that? For he hadn't been up to Heaven
to check. Quite simply, he knew the extent of his own forgiveness. And
so he therefore knew that truly, Jesus had ascended and was there in
a position of influence upon Almighty God, to enable forgiveness. His
own cleansed conscience was the proof that his belief in the Lord's
ascension was belief in something true. And yet we ask: does our belief
that Christ ascended really have this effect upon us?
Because the Lord's resurrection enabled
forgiveness of sins (1 Cor. 15:17), Peter therefore on this basis makes
an appeal for repentance and appropriation of the Lord's work for men
through baptism into His death and resurrection (Acts 2:31-38; 3:15,19
" therefore" ). And Paul likewise: " He, whom God raised
again...through [on account of] this man [and His resurrection] is preached
unto you the forgiveness of sins" (Acts 13:37,38). Because of the
Name the Lord has been given, salvation has been enabled (Acts 4:12
cp. Phil. 2:9). " God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent Him
to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities"
(Acts 3:26); " the God of our fathers raised up Jesus…exalted with
his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give (i.e. inspire)
repentance to Israel, and forgiveness" (Acts 5:30,31). The fact
of the Lord's resurrection has assured forgiveness of sins for all who
will identify themselves with it through baptism into Him; and this
is why it is thereby an imperative to preach it, if we believe in it.
The disciples were told to go and preach of the resurrection of Christ,
and therefore of the required responses this
entails: repentance, acceptance of forgiveness and baptism (Lk. 24:46).
Preaching is motivated by His resurrection (1 Cor. 15:14). Baptism saves
us " by the resurrection of Jesus Christ" (1 Pet. 3:21 cp.
Rom. 4:25; Col. 2:13).
Confession Of Sin
We who were dead in sins were "
made alive together with Christ" (Eph. 2:5). If we believe in Christ
Jesus' resurrection, we will therefore repent, confess our sins and
know His forgiveness. Thus believing in His raising and making confession
of sin are bracketed together in Rom. 10:9,10, as both being essential
in gaining salvation. Because He rose, therefore
we stop committing sin (1 Cor. 6:14). We can't willfully
sin if we believe in the forgiveness His resurrection has enabled. Men
should repent not only because judgment day is coming, but because God
has commended repentance to us, He has offered / inspired faith in His
forgiveness by the resurrection
of Christ (Acts 17:30,31 AV mg.). The empty tomb and all
the Lord's glorification means for us should therefore inspire personal
repentance; as well as of itself being an imperative to go and share
this good news with a sinful world, appealing for them to repent and
be baptized so that they too might share in the forgiveness enabled
for them by the resurrection. Because the Lord was our representative,
in His resurrection we see our own. We are therefore born again unto
a living and abounding hope, by our identification with the resurrection
of Jesus Christ (1 Pet. 1:3). The Ethiopian eunuch read of his representative
Saviour as also being childless, and being as he was, in the midst of
a wilderness; and realizing this, he desired to be baptized into Him.
Grasping the representational nature of the Lord's death inspires response
in baptism, and yet the motivational power of this fact continues afterwards.
Peter knew Jesus had risen, and he had
met him and been " glad" when he saw the Lord, and in some
form had joyfully proclaimed the news to the others. But " when
Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher's coat unto
him (for he was naked) and did cast himself into the sea" (Jn.
21:7), and then meets the Lord and as it were they settle the score
relating to his denials. Again by a fire, the three fold " lovest
thou me?" probed Peter's denials, and the threefold commission
to " feed my sheep" confirmed his total re-instatement to
grace. The whole flavour of this record would make it seem that this
was the first time Peter had met the risen Lord. But it clearly wasn't.
Surely the point is that like us, we can know theoretically that Christ
rose; we can be sure of it. But the personal implications in terms of
confession of sin and service to that risen Lord can be lost on us,
to the point that we don't really accept that Christ is risen,
even if in theory we do know and confess it.
Labour For Him
Because Christ rose, we have not believed
and preached " in vain" (1 Cor. 15:14). Because He rose, therefore
" awake to righteousness and sin not" (15:34)- for He is our
representative. We labour for Him because our faith in His resurrection
is not " in vain" . Our faith in His resurrection is not in
vain (:2,14), and our labour is therefore not in vain (:58) because
it is motivated by His rising again. The grace of being able to believe
in the resurrection of Jesus meant that Paul " laboured abundantly"
(:10). And he can therefore bid us follow his example- of labouring
abundantly motivated by the same belief that the Lord rose (:58). Paul
exhorts that prayers be made " for all men" , just because
" Christ Jesus gave himself a ransom for all" , and He thereby
is the one and only mediator between God and man (1 Tim. 2:1-6). Because
of what He enabled for all, we should pray for all, that somehow circumstances
might be allowed which enable all men's salvation in Jesus to indeed
spread to all men.
Forgiving Others
Atonement means 'covering'. Because
God covers our sins, we ought to cover those of others. The simple statement
" love covers all sins" (Prov. 10:12) comes in the context
of appealing for God's people not to gossip about each others' failures.
And the passage is most definitely applied to us in the NT (1 Pet. 4:8;
James 5:20; 1 Cor. 13:7RVmg. " love covereth all things" ).
" He that goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets; but he that
is of a faithful spirit conceals the matter" (Prov. 11:13). Our
natural delight in telling or brooding on the moral failures of others,
as if life is one long soap opera, will be overcome if we have personally
felt the atonement; the covering of our sins. " He that covers
his [own] sins shall not prosper: but whoever confesses and forsakes
them shall have mercy" (Prov. 28:13). The opposition is between
owning up to our sins, and trying to cover them for ourselves. If we
believe in the covering work of God in Christ, then we will own up to
our sins the more easily, confident in His atonement.
Use Our Bodies Properly
The classic chapter about the resurrection
of body, 1 Cor. 15, is also about the resurrection of Jesus. And it
is not just a doctrinal treatise which Paul throws in to his letter
to the Corinthians. It must be viewed in the context of the entire letter.
He has been talking about the correct use of the body- not abusing it,
defiling it, in whatever way. And he has spoken specifically about sexual
issues. And then in summary, at the end of his letter, he speaks at
such length about the resurrection of the body. Seeing that God intends
resurrecting our body, our body means so much to Him that Christ died
and rose again to enable our bodily resurrection, therefore it matters
a lot what we do with our body right now!