Belief In Practice 6: God As Creator
The fact that we have been created by God means that life and existence
around us has a purpose. Job was told that the very fact he had been created
by God and his breath was in God’s hand meant that his apparently inexplicable
trials had indeed come from God and had a purpose (Job 12:10). If He created
us in the first place, then we can expect that His hand will continue
to mould our lives through trials in an ongoing, creative way.
For God's Word And His Creation
Because of the work of God as creator and the power of the Word that
formed it all, we should likewise stand in awe of Him and recognize the
power of His word (Ps. 33:6-9). Ps. 147:15-19 draws a parallel between
the way God sends out His word to give snow like wool, and then again
to melt it; and the way that this very same word works in our lives: "
He sends out His word, and melts them...He shows His word unto Jacob,
His statutes and His judgments unto Israel" . The word we have in
our Bibles has the same creative power as the word through which the world
was created and exists even now. Because we are created in God's image,
the structure of our very bodies is an imperative to give ourselves totally
to His cause (Mt. 22:19-21). Whatever bears God's image- i.e. our very
bodies- must be given to Him. " It is he that has made us, and [therefore]
we are his" (Ps. 100:3 RV). We must be His in practice because
He is our creator. So it is not that we merely believe in creation rather
than evolution; more than this, such belief in creation must elicit a
life given over to that creator. God as creator created man in His own
image; and therefore we shouldn't curse men (James 3:9). By reason of
the image they bear, we are to act to all men as we would to God Himself;
we are not to treat some men as we would animals, who are not in the image
of God. Because we are made in God's image, we should therefore not kill
other humans (Gen. 9:6). James says the same, in essence, in teaching
that because we are in God's image, we shouldn't curse others. To curse
a man is to kill him. That's the point of James' allusion to Genesis and
to God as creator. Quite simply, respect for the person of others is inculcated
by sustained reflection on the way that they too are created in God's
Joy And Praise
David’s motivation for praise was simply because God has created him:
“I will praise you; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Ps. 139:14).
Even in the cycle of death, which is part of the ongoing creation and
renewal of the planet, there is something to praise. Thus David praised
God because of the way that He takes away the breath of animals and they
die, and then renews His creation; as “the Lord rejoices in his works”
of creation, so David joins Him in a sublime fellowship of Creator and
creature (Ps. 104:29-31) which flowed out of a basic belief in God as
creator. The fact that God Himself created us, as His sheep, “and not
we ourselves” (a comment applicable, in essence, to theories of evolution
and genetic engineering)… should lead us to ecstatic singing of praise
before Him (Ps. 100:3). Likewise Ps. 96:2,5, and so many other examples,
invite us to enthusiastically praise God, simply because “the Lord made
the heavens”. God as creator results in joy and praise amongst those of
His creation who recognize Him as creator.
With the Babylonian army besieging Jerusalem and every reason to be depressed,
Jeremiah exalts in the creation record and has this as the basis for his
faith that Yahweh's power is far from limited (Jer. 32:17). God's reply
to this prayer is to repeat that yes, " I am the God of all flesh,
is anything too hard for me?" ; His creative power is to be seen
as the basis for Israel's Hope (Jer. 32:36-44). Likewise He taught Job
the futility of having such metaphysical doubts about Him, of the joy
there is all around us in creation regardless of our personal suffering…through
an exposition of His power as creator. All this is why the disciples were
inspired to faith that their prayers for deliverance would be answered
by the recollection of the fact that God has created all things and therefore
nothing is too hard for Him (Acts 4:24 RV). David begged for personal
deliverance inspired by the thought: “Forsake not the works of your own
hands”, i.e. his body and those of his people (Ps. 138:8). Ps. 146:5-9
outlines God's creative power at the start of things, and on this basis
the Psalmist appeals to Israel to be considerate to the poor and those
on the margins in society. Why? Because we here on this planet were and
are the marginal compared to the God who lives so far away, physically
and in all other ways. And yet He created us, and sustains us His creation.
The wonder of this should lead us to seek out those whom we would otherwise
overlook. God as creator has empowered the marginal by giving and sustaining
our lives, and so should we do. Just because the Father gives His sun
and rain to all without discrimination, we likewise should love our enemies
(Mt. 5:43-45). This is the imperative of creation.
Watch Our Behaviour
Ps. 94:8,9 tells the fools to be wise and watch their behaviour, because
" He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? He that formed the
eye, shall he not see?" . Reflection on the fact that God truly is
our personal designer and creator will lead to an awareness that He therefore
sees and knows all things. These Bible principles powerfully link up,
to exhort us to live life and speak our words knowing we are in the very
presence of our creator. And remember that it was reflection upon the
extent and nature of God's creative power which lead to Job's repentance;
it isn't something we can passively reflect upon. Just because "
Your hands have made me and fashioned me: [therefore] give me understanding,
that I may learn your commandments" (Ps. 119:73). David realized
that because he had been made in God's physical image he had a duty to
desire to be spiritually reformed in His moral image; and thus he sought
strength to be obedient to God's will.
Prov. 26:10 makes a link between God as creator, and God as judge: “The
great God that formed all things both rewards the fool, and rewards transgressors”.
The very fact that God formed us means that we are accountable to His
judgment. We can never, not for a nanosecond, avoid or opt out of the
fact that we were created by God. And therefore and thereby, we are responsible
to Him as our judge. The simple fact we are created by God means that
we are responsible to God in some sense, and therefore liable to His judgment.
The stretched out hand of God is used as a figure both for His judgment
of man (Is. 31:3) and also for His creation of man (Is. 40:22; 42:5; 44:24;
45:12; 51:13). The knowledge that we are created by Him makes us responsible
to His judgment, and we have to look at our bodies, our lives which He
has created … and act accordingly.
It is often forgotten that work is a consequence of creation, not the
fall. It is intended by God as a means to partnership with Him and self-fulfillment
as He intended. This is what is so wrong with the spirit of laziness which
has been inculcated by the Western world. There is almost an ambition
to obtain as much time as possible for 'leisure' and relaxation. Labour
in whatever form was intended by God from creation.
Perceiving The Value Of Persons
Only those who believe that we were created by God and have the possibility
of eternal redemption can truly perceive the value of persons. Only they
can grasp the worth of human beings, that we are not mere animals, but
there is a wonder to human life which inspires us to seek to save humans
through the preaching of the Gospel. John Stott has powerfully commented:
" When human beings are devalued, everything in society goes sour.
Women and children are despised; the sick are regarded as a nuisance,
and the elderly as a burden; ethnic minorities are discriminated against;
capitalism displays its ugliest face; labour is exploited in the mines
and factories; criminals are brutalized in prison; opposition opinions
are stifled; Belsen is invented by the extreme right and Gulag by the
extreme left; unbelievers are left to die in their lostness; there is
no freedom, dignity, or carefree joy; human life seems not worth living,
because it is scarcely human any longer. But when human beings are valued,
because of their intrinsic worth, everything changes: women and children
are honored; the sick are cared for and the elderly allowed to live and
die with dignity; dissidents are listened to; prisoners rehabilitated,
and minorities protected; workers are given a fair wage, decent working
conditions, and a measure of participation in the enterprise; and the
gospel is taken to the ends of the earth. Why? Because people matter,
because every man, woman, and child has significance as a human person
made in the image of God" .
And this is the essence of the teaching of Jer. 38:16: “As the Lord lives,
that made us this soul, I will not put you to death”. The fact God as
creator created us is quite rightly used by Zedekiah as a reason to be
truthful; and yet it also means that we should not take the life which
God has given to another person. The whole of Job 31 records Job’s response
to those who assumed he must have sinned, seeing he was suffering so much.
His response was that he would not have disregarded the needs of even
his most humble servant, because “Did not he that made me in the womb
make him? And did not one fashion us in the womb?” (Job 31:13-15). The
very fact that God created us means that we ought to respect each other
and be sensitive to each other.
No Idolatry
Jer. 51:15-19 describes at length God's power in creation, and how this
therefore makes all idols mere vanity. The God of Jacob " is not
like them; for he is the former of all things" . If we really believe
that God is creator, then we will not worship the things create by man,
i.e. human idols, but God alone. Jeremiah earlier mocks those who say
to an idol " You have brought me forth" (Jer. 2:27).
The implication is that there can be no idolatry for those who believe
they were created by Israel's God.
If we truly realize that we are made in God’s image, then
we will not worship any idol: “Forasmuch then as we are the offspring
of God [i.e. in His image], we ought not to think that the Godhead is
like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device” (Acts
17:29). Thinking this through, is the implication not that humanity alone
is made in God’s image; nothing else is His image. Yet idolatry,
in all its forms and guises throughout history, is based around the supposition
that those idols are in fact an image of God and as such demand worship.
God has revealed Himself through people, not through things which
they have created. Because Yahweh God was Israel’s creator, therefore
He ought to have been their King (Is. 43:15). If we really believe His
creative authority over us, then He will rule in every aspect of our lives.
Because it is by God’s will that we are created, because He is from everlasting
to everlasting, because God is creator, we cast our crowns of ‘reward’
before His throne in a sense of unworthiness (Rev. 4:10,11), just as David
in Ps. 8 had the overawing sense of ‘Who am I…?’ when he reflected upon
God’s creation.
Not Being Materialistic
Passages like Is. 37:19 almost define God by reason of His being uncreate.
Whatever is created, is not God. And it follows that if we think that
we have truly created anything, or that we are anything that God didn’t
create, then we are in fact playing God. Understanding God as creator,
in its true, deep and thought-through sense, leads to an understanding
of grace. That all we have, are, were, shall ever be, is purely His gift.
Likewise, to take for ourselves what is God’s is to play God. Materialism
and selfishness are in this sense playing God. This was Achan’s sin- to
take what was devoted to God for himself. And this was why he is described
as having ‘stolen’. But from whom? From God (Josh. 6:18; 7:11). The fact
God owns everything means that there can be no distinction between what
is ours and what is God’s. To think like that is to steal from Him. And
hence the power and force of Mal. 3:8: “Will a man rob God? Yet you have
robbed me”. Have we robbed God in this way, especially in our attitudes
and perceptions?