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Archives of MP3 audio and video Bible studies online by Duncan Heaster; see a complete list of his books online here and a complete list of his MP3s and videos here
Noah 1 (Genesis 5:30 - 6:6) [] Noah 2 (Genesis 6:6-7:1) [] Noah 3 (Genesis 7) [] Noah 4 (Genesis 8) [] Noah 5 (Genesis 9)
Abram's Shaky Start (Genesis 11,12)
The Covenant Of Grace (Genesis 15)
Abraham and Sodom (Genesis 18)
Abraham Dragged Kicking and Screaming (Genesis 20)
Dinah, Simeon and Levi (Genesis 34)
Joseph and his brothers (Genesis 44,45)
The Hardening of Pharaoh's Heart (Exodus 9)
Crossing The Red Sea (Exodus 14, 15)
Personal Covenant Relationship with God (Exodus 19,20)
The High Priest's Garments (Exodus 28)
The Consecration of Aaron (Leviticus 8)
Cleansing the leper (Leviticus 13 and 14)
The Meaning of Blood: The Meaning of Life (Leviticus 17)
Proclaiming the Year of Jubilee (Leviticus 25)
The Law of Jealousy (Numbers 5)
God's Changed Purpose with Israel (Numbers 14)
Balaam and Balak [2] (Numbers 24,25)
Remembering The Way We Were Led (Numbers 33)
Releasing Others and Ourselves (Deuteronomy 15)
The Huge Significance of Sins of Omission (Deuteronomy 22)
Covenant Grace (Deuteronomy 29)
Crossing the Jordan River (Joshua 3)
Joshua And The Gibeonites (Joshua 9)
Joshua's 33 Victories (Joshua 12)
The Ties that Bind (Joshua 19)
Micah and the Lost Tribe of Dan (Judges 17,18)
Eli, Hannah and Peninnah (1 Samuel 2)
Israel's Desire for a King (1 Samuel 11,12)
David and Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11,12; Psalms 32,51)
Solomon: What went wrong? (1 Kings 10)
Elijah And Prayer (1 Kings 18)
Faith: General Principles And The Example Of Hezekiah (2 Kings 18 and 19)
The Psychology of Amaziah (2 Chronicles 25)
Manasseh's Repentance (2 Chronicles 33)
Nehemiah's Prayer (Nehemiah 1 & 2)
Keeping our Focus (Nehemiah 5, 6)
Nehemiah the Insecure (Nehemiah 13)
The Satan in Job (Job 1 and 2)
Zophar in the 21st Century (1) (Job 11)
Zophar in the 21st Century (2) (Job 20)
Job and Self Justification (Job 31)
Fullness of Joy in God's Presence (Psalm 16)
David's Psalm for the Temple (Psalm 29)
Don't Fret About Others (Psalm 37)
Our Materialism in the Light of our Mortality (Psalm 49)
David in the Wilderness (Psalm 62,63)
Asaph's Victory over Jealousy and Bitterness (Psalm 73)
Judgment on Israel's Latter Day Invaders (Psalms 83,84)
The Prayer Of Moses (Psalm 90)
Inviting the Whole World to Worship (Psalm 96-99)
Thanking God for His Mercy and Grace in History (Psalm 107)
David's Use of God's Word (Psalm 119:41-80)
Praise and Grace (Psalm 135,136)
Solomon's Attitude to Wisdom (Proverbs 2)
The Danger of Self-Justification (Proverbs 10)
Justfying our Fathers (Proverbs 24)
The Worthy / Virtuous Woman (Proverbs 31)
The Bible's Answer to Post Modernism (Ecclesiastes 7)
The Song Of Solomon: Background (Song 1)
The Self Doubt of the Bride (Song of Solomon 2)
The Ministry of Isaiah (Isaiah 6)
Isaiah and his Three Sons: Shearjashub, Immanuel, Mahershalalhashbaz (Isaiah 8)
"To us a son is given" (Isaiah 9)
Amazing Grace to Moab (Isaiah 16)
Isaiah's Song of Triumph (Isaiah 25)
Angels and Assyrians (Isaiah 31)
Jerusalem Saved by Grace (Isaiah 33)
Comfort for God's People (Isaiah 40)
The Past is Behind You (Isaiah 48)
Arise and shine, for your light is come (Isaiah 60)
The Ministry of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 6)
Jeremiah's Letter To The Captives (Jeremiah 29)
Daniel in the Lions' Den (Daniel 6)
Angels and Babylonians (Daniel 10)
The Love of God in Hosea (Hosea 1)
The Intensity of God's Passion(Hosea 8)
The Prostitute And The Prophet (Hosea 11)
Sin is Serious: For Three and for Four (Amos 2)
"By whom shall Jacob arise?" (Amos 7)
The Preaching of Jonah (Jonah 2,3)
The Sin of Micah the Prophet (Micah 7)
A Plea for Repentance (Zephaniah 2)
Prospering Through The Prophecy Of Zechariah (Zechariah 2)
Speaking Truth to our Neighbour (Zechariah 8)
The Spirit of Priesthood (Malachi 2)
The talks for Matthew in italics are part of a series "Jesus Close-Up", and they have video presentations which go with them- see our You Tube channel
Matthew 1: The Genealogy of the Lord Jesus
Matthew 2: The Childhood of the Lord Jesus
Matthew 3: The Baptism of the Lord Jesus
The Wilderness Temptations Of Christ (Matthew 3 and 4)
Matthew 4:1-13 Jesus Tempted by Satan in the Desert
Matthew 4:13-25 The Calling of the 12 Disciples
The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5)
The Sermon on the Mount [1] Matthew 5:1-20
The Sermon on the Mount [2] Matthew 5:20-29
The Sermon on the Mount [3] Matthew 5:29-48
The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6; Luke 11)
The Sermon on the Mount [4] Matthew 6:1-13
The Sermon on the Mount [5] Matthew 6:14-23
The Sermon on the Mount [6] Matthew 6:24-33
General thoughts on the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 7)
The Sermon on the Mount [7] Matthew 7:1-7
The Sermon on the Mount [8] Matthew 7:8-15
The Sermon on the Mount [9] Matthew 7:16-27
Matthew 8:1-27 Jesus calms the storm, touches the leper, heals the sick, dead bury their dead
Matthew 8 The curing of Legion, the Gadarene swine, demons cast out, mental illness cured
The Sensitive Saviour (Matthew 8)
The Harvest is Plenteous (Matthew 9)
Matthew 9:1-15 Jesus cures the paralyzed man, forgives sins, fasting, table fellowship, eats with sinners
Matthew 9:16-36 New wine in new bottles, old rent garment, parable of labourers in the harvest
Preaching in the spirit of Christ (Matthew 10)
Matthew 10:1-19 Commentary, sending out the disciples / apostles, persecution of Christian preachers
Matthew 10:20-42 God's care for Christian believers under persecution for preaching Christ
The Yoke of Christ (Matthew 11)
Matthew 11:1-15 John the Baptist: Crisis of Faith and Understanding
Matthew 11:15-30 The Light Yoke of Christ, Wisdom Justified of her Children
The Sign of the Prophet Jonah (Matthew 12)
Matthew 12:1-32 Satan, Beelzebub and Demons, Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, unforgiveable sin
Matthew 12:33-50 Sign of the prophet Jonah, three days and 3 nights
Parables of the Kingdom (Matthew 13)
The Parable of the Sower / Types of Ground (Matthew 13:1-23)
The Parable of the Wheat and Tares, the Pearl, Treasure Hid in a Field (Matthew 13:24-58)
How to Walk on Water (Matthew 14)
Feeding the Four Thousand (Matthew 15)
"Get behind me, Satan" (Matthew 16)
Faith, Hope and Sensitivity (Matthew 17)
Matthew 18:1-14 Offending / stumbling the little ones, open table Christadelphian fellowship
Matthew 18:15-35 Unconditional forgiveness without repentance, 70 x 7, disfellowship
Living on Different Levels (Matthew 19)
Matthew 19 The exceptive clause, divorce for adultery, forgiving unfaithfulness in marriage
The Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard (Matthew 20)
Matthew 20:1-16 Parable of the Labourers
Matthew 20:17-34 Christ's Healing of Two Blind Men in Jericho, Cup, Baptism, Ransom for Many
Matthew 21: An Open Discussion
Matthew 21:1-22 The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem; Cursing the Fig Tree; Cleansing the Temple
Matthew 21:23-46 Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen
The Parable of the Great Supper (Matthew 22)
Matthew 22:1-14 Christ's Parable of the Marriage Banquet Supper and Wedding Garment
Matthew 22:15-46 Render unto Caesar and God; No Marriage in the Kingdom; the greatest commandment
Matthew 23 7 Woes on the Pharisees
The Olivet Prophecy in Matthew 24
Matthew 24:1-3 The Olivet Prophecy: A New Approach. AD70 Temple or Last Days?
Matthew 24:4-31 The Abomination that Makes Desolate
Matthew 24:32-51 Parables of the Fig Tree and the Householder
Matthew 25:1-13 The Parable Of The Wise And Foolish Virgins [] Video
Matthew 25:14-30 Parable of the Talents / Minas
Matthew 25:31-46 Parable of the Sheep and Goats
The Crucifixion in Matthew 27: "My God why have You forsaken me?"
Christ Is Risen Indeed (Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20,21)
Jesus as "Son of man" (Mark 2)
The Gadarene Demons of Legion (Mark 5)
Controversy with the Pharisees (Mark 7)
The Cursing of the Fig Tree (Mark 11)
The Olivet Prophecy in Mark 13
The Crucifixion in Mark 15, 16
Mary, Mother of Jesus [1] (Luke 1)
Mary, Mother of Jesus [2] (Luke 2)
The Personality of Jesus (Luke 4)
New Wineskins ( Luke 5:36-39; Matthew 9:16,17; Mark 2:21,22) Hymn 388 "We shall be like Him" new tune, arr. Robin Field, here
The Sermon on the Plain (Luke 6)
The Parable of the Sower (Luke 8)
The Radical Demands of Jesus (Luke 9)
The Friend At Midnight (Luke 11)
The Parable Of The Rich Fool (Luke 12:15-21)
Parables of Suppers (Luke 13,14)
The Urgency of Forgiveness (Luke 17)
"What shall we do to inherit eternal life?" (Luke 18)
The Parable of the Pounds (Luke 19)
The Parable of the Vineyard (Luke 20) With music here
The Olivet Prophecy in Luke 21
The Cup of the New Covenant (Luke 22)
The Crucifixion in Luke 23: "Father forgive them"
The Resurrection and Great Commission in Luke 24
"We beheld His glory" (The cross in John 1)
Nicodemus And Being Born Again (John 2 and 3)
The Healing of the Lame Man (John 5)
"I am the bread of life" (John 6) (complete breaking of bread meeting with prayers)
Rivers of Living Water (John 7)
The Woman Taken in Adultery (John 8)
The Healed Blind Man (John 9,10)
The Resurrection of Lazarus (John 11)
The Breaking of Bread in John (John 13,14)
The High Priestly Prayer (John 17,18)
The Crucifixion in John (John 19)
"Do you love Me?" (John 20,21)
The Ascension of Jesus (Acts 1)
The Gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2)
Peter's Preaching [1] (Acts 3,4)
Peter's Preaching [2] (Acts 5,6)
The Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8)
Peter, Aeneas and Tabitha (Acts 9)
Paul's Self-Perception (Acts 13)
Paul and the Council of Jerusalem (Acts 14,15)
Paul's Address to the Ephesian Elders (Acts 20)
Paul's Conversion (Acts 21,22)
Paul Before Festus and Agrippa (Acts 25,26)
Paul and the Viper on Malta Beach (Acts 28)
The Implications of the Gospel (Romans 1,2)
The Implications of Baptism (Romans 5,6)
"All things work together for good" (Romans 7,8)
Israel: Parade Example of God's Grace (Romans 10,11)
Standing by Grace (Romans 13,14)
Reflecting Grace (Romans 15,16)
Paul And Corinth (1 Corinthians 1 and 2)
Building with God (1 Corinthians 3)
Living Free from Judgment (1 Corinthians 4,5)
The Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 6)
"But and if..." (1 Corinthians 7)
Making Ourselves Servants of All (1 Corinthians 8,9)
The Challenge of Israel (1 Corinthians 10)
The Breaking Of Bread: Self Examination (1 Corinthians 11)
Love: The Bottom Line (1 Corinthians 12,13)
Speaking in Tongues: Principles for Today (1 Corinthians 14)
The Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15)
Open Doors Before Us (1 Corinthians 16)
Making Use of Life Experience (2 Corinthians 1 and 2)
Beholding The Glory of the Lord (2 Corinthians 3 and 4)
"The love of Christ constrains us" (2 Corinthians 5:14-21,ch. 6,7)
The Grace of Giving (2 Corinthians 8 & 9)
Paul's Approach to Relationships (2 Corinthians 10,11)
Paul's Thorn in the Flesh (2 Corinthians 12,13)
Christ Centeredness (Galatians 1 and 2)
What It Means To Be "In Christ" (Galatians 3,4)
Flesh And Spirit (Galatians 5 and 6)
The Good Life in Christ (1) Ephesians 1,2
The Good Life in Christ (2) Ephesians 3,4
The Good Life in Christ (3) Ephesians 5,6
The Mind of Christ in Us (1) (Philippians 1 and 2)
Our Humiliation (Philippians 2- Hurstiville ecclesia)
The Mind of Christ in Us (2) (Philippians 3 and 4)
Presented Perfect in Christ (Colossians 1)
The Excellency of Christ (Colossians 2)
Christ for us Today (Colossians 3,4)
Paul's Love for his Brethren (1 Thessalonians 1 and 2)
The Coming of the Lord [1] (1 Thessalonians 3 and 4)
The Coming of the Lord [2] (1 Thessalonians 5)
Positivity without Naievity (2 Thessalonians 1,2)
Hearts Directed into the Love of God (2 Thessalonians 3)
"A ransom for all" (1 Timothy 1-3)
The Personal Benefits of Concern for Others (1 Timothy 4,5)
The Danger of Wealth (1 Timothy 6)
Paul and Timothy (2 Timothy 1)
"The Lord knows them that are His" (2 Timothy 2)
Paul at his last end (2 Timothy 3,4)
The Power of Regeneration (Titus)
The Jesus Of Hebrews (Hebrews 1 & 2)
The Future We Might Miss (Hebrews 3,4,5)
Refuge in Christ (Hebrews 6,7)
The Blood of the Covenant (Hebrews 8,9)
"Therefore let us..." (Hebrews 10)
God's Positive View of People (Hebrews 11)
Hebrews As A Breaking of Bread Exhortation (Hebrews 12)
"Let us offer the sacrifice of praise" (Hebrews 13)
The Approach of James to Inter-Personal Conflict (James 1)
The Power of the Tongue (James 3,4)
Intercession for Others (James 5)
The Breaking of Bread as a Passover (1 Peter 1)
The Answer of a Good Conscience (1 Peter 3,4,5)
Our Humiliation (1 Peter 3-5, Walton)
Peter in Spiritual Maturity (2 Peter 1,2)
Hastening the Coming of the Day of the Lord (2 Peter 3)
Abiding in Christ (1 John 1,2)
The Love that Casts out Fear (1 John 3,4)
Letters to Kyria and Gaius (2 & 3 John)
The Structure and Theme of the Apocalypse (Revelation 1 and 2)
Walking in White (Revelation 3,4)
The Lamb on the Throne (Revelation 5,6)
The Great Tribulation (Revelation 7,8,9)
Fellowshipping Christ's Sufferings in the Last Days (Revelation 10 and 11)
The Radical Message Of Revelation (Revelation 12 and 13)
The Lamb On Mount Zion (Revelation 14)
Heaven Opened (Revelation 15,16)
Coming out of Babylon (Revelation 17,18)
The Final Consolation [1] (Revelation 19,20)
The Final Consolation [2] (Revelation 21,22)
Older material [poorer quality recordings]
Peace With God [Calgary, Canada Gathering, May 1993] Part 1 [] Part 2 []
The Genius of Paul [Rolleston, UK Bible School, August 1996] Part 1 [] Part 2
The Seven Sayings From The Cross [Redhill, UK, March 1994] Part 1 [] Part 2 [] Part 3 [] Part 4
The Kingdom Of God On Earth: Realities, Reflections, Hopes, Speculations [1988] Part 1 [] Part 2
Joseph and Jesus [Lithuania Bible School, 1994] English / Russian Part 1 [] Part 2 [] Part 3 [] Part 4 [] Part 5 [] Part 6 [] Part 7
Moses [Lithuania Bible School, 1995] English / Russian Part 1 [] Part 2 [] Part 3 [] Part 4 [] Part 5 [] Part 6 []
Gospel music in Lingala MP3 - Congolese asylum seekers in Riga, Latvia
Abortion for Christians- Bible guidance, Christian perspective, Christadelphian Biblical Discussion