4.6 Casting Away
The rejected will of their own volition slink away from the
face of their Lord. And yet the rejected are often described, both
explicitly and in the types of judgment, as actively fleeing
from the Lord's presence, and being cast and thrown by Him into
condemnation. Korah and the rebels slipped down into the pit and were
then cast down into destruction (Ps. 73:18; v. 17 refers to
Num. 16:38,39). The rejected condemn themselves (as they did in their
lives)- they slink away of themselves, of their own volition they end
up fleeing, and yet all this is fulfilling the Lord's own fiat that
they should be chased from Him. Israel were driven out of their land by
God in rejection, after the pattern of Adam and Cain being driven out
(Jer. 23:8; 32:37).
Firstly, references to the rejected fleeing of their own
- Zedekiah fleeing from the armies of judgment that came
upon him
- Adam and Eve pining away from the Angel walking in Eden
- Unworthy Israel fleeing when none pursued whenever they
faced judgment (Lev. 26:17)
- God's enemies, whoever they are, fleeing when He arises in
judgment (Ps. 68:1)
- The humanly-strong fleeing away naked in that day (Am.
- The terror of the rejected knowing they have no place to
flee to (Jer. 25:35)
- Is. 17:13; 30:16
Now, references to them being thrown out or cast away by the
Lord's edict:
- The wicked are driven into
darkness (Job 18:18)
- "…in the day of trouble
[judgment]…He will pursue His enemies into darkness" (Nah. 1:8
- The wicked "cast down" when God arises in judgment (Ps.
- "Thrust out..." (Lk. 13:28)
- The bad tree cast into the fire (Mt. 3:10; 7:19).
- Cast into the furnace of fire, darkness, prison, hell fire
(Mt. 13:42,50; 8:12; 5:25,29)
- Cast into the sea (Mk. 9:42; Mt. 13:48)
This may well be achieved by their guardian Angel chasing
them, as presumably the Angels chased Adam from Eden. Adam was
“sent forth” and then ‘driven out’ of the
(Gen. 3:23,24)-implying an unwillingness to leave, just as the rejected
of the
last day. The rejected will be “as stubble before the
wind….pursue them with thy tempest…fill their faces with
shame, that they may seek thy Name…let them perish, that they
may know…that thou alone…art the most high” (Ps.
83:14-18 RV). Tragically it will be in this chasing away, in their
final moments before perishing, that they will know God and desperately
seek Him. They will not be indifferent. It will be an awful end;
finally grasping the real essence of spirituality and so desperately
wanting to know God in the sense of having a loving relationship with
Him- in the very last moments of their existence. The most Biblically
emphasized reason for the Red Sea experience is “that the
Egyptians may know that I am the Lord” (Ex. 14:4,17). It was
surely only in Pharaoh’s last few moments of life that he came,
through his experience of condemnation, to know the essence of Yahweh.
As the tidal wave crushed down upon him, as water filled his
lungs…he desperately came to know Israel’s God in absolute
truth. But it was all too late. We must know Him now…
This is the chilling point of all this…
"Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of
the Lord chase them. Let their way be dark (cp. the rejected cast to
outer darkness) and slippery: and let the angel of the Lord persecute
them" (Ps. 35:5,6). "The ungodly are like the chaff which the wind
(spirit- the Angels made spirits) driveth away" (Ps. 1:4; Job 21:18).
The account of Gallio driving the Jews away from his judgment seat is
maybe to enable to us to imagine the scene (Acts 18:16). The rejected
are described as being cast into outer darkness. This is even an Old
Testament concept: "Whoso curseth his father or his mother, his lamp
shall be put out in the blackest darkness" (Prov. 20:20 RV). The
rejected will be "pursued into darkness" (Nah. 1:8 RV). It is doubtful
whether this darkness is literal, unless there will be a specific
geographical location into which they are driven which is totally dark.
Mt. 22:13 might imply this by saying that "there", in the darkness into
which the rejected are cast, there will be weeping (Mt. 22:13). It
perhaps more implies a depression so deep that everything loses its
colour. There is no point in existence, no meaning to anything. It
could be that "darkness" is to be understood as blindness, which is how
it is sometimes used in Scripture. "The eyes of the wicked shall fail,
and they shall have no way to flee. And their hope shall be the giving
up of the spirit" (Job 11:20 RV). This is all the language of the final
judgment. They will seek death and hope for it, because existence in
the state of condemnation is simply unbearable. But remember that
outside of Christ, mankind is likewise in such an unbearable state, if
only he will perceive it. He is even now in a figurative furnace of
fire. Those who in that day will "seek death" (Rev. 9:6) are those
whose materialistic behaviour in this life was effectively a seeking of
death (Prov. 21:6). They were and are living out the condemnation
experience right now.
And yet again, the rejected going away into... (Mt. 25:46) is
only a reflection of the position they themselves adopted in their
lives. They thought that they could flee away from the judgments of God
(Rom. 2:3 Gk.)- and so they will flee from His judgment seat, although
so so unwillingly. The man who refuses to immediately respond to the
Lord's call to service says that he must first go away from
the Lord and bury his father (Mt. 8:21); the young man went away in
sorrow (Mt. 19:22); people hear the Gospel and then go away to
all their petty businesses of this life (Mt. 22:5). Those who couldn't
handle the demanding Lord went away from Him (Jn. 6:66); and
Judas went away of himself to hang himself (Mt. 27:5). He
condemned himself. These are all the same words as in Mt. 25:46- those
who of their own choice went away from the Lord now, although that
isn't maybe how they saw it, will then go away from Him into
condemnation. This point is made even within Mt. 25. The foolish
virgins went away to buy oil- they didn't want to immediately
go to their Lord (:10); the one talent man went away and buried
his talent (:18). And then at judgment day they again go away from
the Lord (:46).