Books & Magazines Available

We are only about half way through cataloguing them all, but what we have done is presented here. Where material is out of copyright, or if you obtain permission from the author or publisher, we are happy to photocopy or scan material for you as you require.

Christadelphian Material

Of especial interest is the list of Christadelphian books and magazines. Most of the magazines we have complete sets of, although some of them are lacking in the early volumes. We're especially interested in early volumes of Logos magazine. We'd like to build up a complete collection (at least of books or booklets over 30 pages) of all Christadelphian publications, or writings by authors at one stage members of the Christadelphians. We have nearly 1000 items catalogued and submit that this is perhaps one of the largest single collections of Christadelphian printed material in the world. We would like to invite donations of any material we don't have, and are happy to pay postage if required. We welcome ecclesial histories, copies of significant correspondence, unpublished monographs, anything written by Christadelphians. We also have a large amount of Christadelphian material in non-English languages which isn't catalogued here. Whilst not reflected in the catalogue, we have 1st editions of most of the 19th century Christadelphian works, as well as the subsequent editions. You can view the current catalogue of Christadelphian material here .

Non-Christadelphian Material

We have around 1000 items catalogued and perhaps the same again uncatalogued as yet. We also have a very wide range of Bibles, around 100 translations, which are as yet uncatalogued; and also a large number of history books uncatalogued. Several commentary sets are also uncatalogued- the Cambridge Bible For Schools amongst them. You can view the current catalogue of non-Christadelphian material here .

For enquiries about access to the collection or obtaining photocopies / scans of copyright-free materia, please email us at .