The Real Devil... likely not who or what you think it is. Duncan Heaster's book combines detailed Bible study with piercing personal and devotional challenge, ever seeking to bring out the crucial relationship between doctrine and practice, demonstrating that the ultimate power of true theology is in the radical transformation of human life in practice.
A Radical Challenge
The Real Devil analyzes Bible teaching about the devil, satan and demons, concluding that 'satan' ['adversary'] and 'devil' ['false accuser'] do not refer to a personal satan, dragon, or spirit being; but rather to any opposing force, and often to the power of sin and evil. Satan doesn't exist as a personal being- but rather the human heart, we ourselves, are the ultimate source of sin.
Colossal Implications
This means that Angels don't sin; that the death of Jesus overcame the power of sin within us; that there is nobody else to blame for sin apart from ourselves. The problem of the origin of evil is massive; so huge that many have taken a 10 cent answer to the million dollar question, blaming it on a legendary, fictional being. But the Bible is silent as to the existence of such a being. If God is alone as the source of all power and creation- whence, then, the evil that fills our lives and world? How are we to understand, cope with and overcome sin and evil? No serious searcher for truth, no Bible student of integrity, will fail to be stimulated by this study- even if they initially struggle with some of the conclusions. Either read through, or have a look at the contents and dip in to what interests you- and remember, these studies are also available as MP3 audio files.
Introduction || Chapter 1 A History Of The Devil And Satan || Chapter 2 Some Basic Bible Teaching || Chapter 3 Some Practical Implications || Chapter 4 Demons || Chapter 5 An Examination Of Specific Bible Passages || Chapter 6 Some Conclusions || Appendix: Transcript Of A Public Debate About The Existence Of Satan