16-5-2 The Example Of The Community
Contemporary accounts emphasise the impressive love of the early
believers; how they were prepared to raise money for their poorer
brethren both near and also far away, even to the point of selling
their homes and land to provide for them. The prayer meetings for
a brother in prison, the genuine care for each other…this must have
stood out as something altogether different from what had previously
passed as ‘religion’ in the experience of first century humanity.
This was all in fulfilment of the Lord’s prayer / reflections in
John 17, that His death would lead to a love and unity between those
who benefit from it, that could convert the world. And we simply
must ask ourselves, whether our love for each other
is perceived by this world? When a brother in Trinidad was handed
the death sentence, believers world-wide wrote to the authorities
appealing for mercy. This, to my mind, was a living example of the
power of the Truth. Another one was where a postal worker was converted,
having been impressed at how a poor old sister in Kazakhstan received
letters from all over the world. Visitors to Bible Schools have
sometimes remarked that they saw a love and true sense of family
amongst us that proved that whatever is our doctrinal basis, it
must be the Truth. But there ought to be far more examples of this
sort. Instead, I fear that our disunity, the way some of us sometimes
behave like any other mixed up little Protestant group that has
gotten bitter and twisted over the years…I fear that this turns
so many away from us. And yet we who hold God’s Truth ought to be
using that purity of doctrine to elicit a purity of love and caring
and unity which will be immediately arresting to all who come into
contact with it. In a world of quasi-love and pseudo-care, true
Christians ought to be an arresting reality to those who meet us.
The example of the community should be powerful. Our difference
as people will reflect our fundamental doctrinal difference with
other groups. There are times when our community achieves this wonderfully.
And yet is it not so that at some times and in a few places we are
little more than a society for mutual admiration, a social club,
co-dependent on sub-groups within the community, rather than genuinely
functional for all members of our community, and reaching out thereby
into the world…?