16-6-3 Legalism In The Church
The doctrines of the Truth began to be spoken of in a cold, legalistic
sense in the church. The warmth, the Christ-centredness, the deep
and obvious concern for people which marks the pages of the Gospels
and Acts gave way to an aggressive and arrogant battering of the
opposition. The breaking of bread was turned into a mystery; the
actual waters of baptism were thought to hold the power of forgiveness.
In all these changes one sees a retreat from the reality of the
fact that baptism and the breaking of bread are our personal encounter
with the living Christ. They became shrouded in mysticism and abstraction;
their simple power and reality were lost. They became important
as rituals in themselves, rather than as being pointers to the real
Jesus who is the Saviour. The Jewish basis of the Gospel was likewise
downplayed; the solidarity of the New Israel with the old was an
embarrassment after the Roman persecution of the Jews. And yet this
rejection of “the Hope of Israel” led to the heresies of Gnosticism
and Marcionism in the 2nd century. Legalism led to immorality. A
series of documents were discovered in 1945 in Egypt, called the
Gnostic Gospels. These were writings which had been suppressed as
heretical by the early church bishops. One of the repeated themes
in them, especially in the scroll known as The Testimony of
Truth, was that the most legalistic, strict leaders of the
church had nearly all fallen into moral error, and this was leading
to the spiritual break up of the church- even though numbers of
members kept growing(1).
And we must ask whether we don’t have the same tendencies. The personal
reality of Jesus tends to be replaced by abstractions; the urgent need
for grace and forgiveness has in some quarters been reduced to a mere
intellectual acceptance of the faith of our fathers; and legalistic, academic
definitions have abounded rather than personal experience and testimony
to forgiveness and reconciliation. And the over formalism of some memorial
meetings and baptism services suggests we likewise may have become caught
up in the ritualism to the exclusion of the real, suffering, saving Christ
who lies behind them. And we must ask whether we truly perceive ourselves
as the New Israel, a people with no inheritance in this
world, wandering as lights in the darkness of a Gentile world…or whether
we see ourselves as British, Russian, Indian, American… rather than the
Israel of God.Of course, we need true doctrine
and must defend it. Once the Christian movement lost a clear doctrinal
understanding, the number of true converts of course decreased.
But the warnings from the apostacy of the first Christians stand written
for us.
(1) See Elaine Pagels, The
Gnostic Gospels (New York: Random House, 1979).